New Challenges – New Opportunities

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BY: Dr. John David Smith
Executive Director
BMA Missions

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edition of mission:world!

Someone has said that change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of the change itself. The possible pain of not changing can simply be in the form of lost income, the lack of progress in our lives, poor health et cetera, and that can be enough to motivate us to change. This is more of an inner desire to achieve a higher level or a greater return on our efforts or investment. Another catalyst for change in our lives is when someone tells us that we have to do something. This is more of an outside impetus to change that we may simply comply with even though it may or may not be our first choice. This certainly applies to our relationship with God. The optimal word here is relationship. Therefore, there should be that outward transcendent leading of God through His word and Spirit in our lives…He is simply greater than we are. It may not be our first inclination to follow and to trust God in change, but ultimately, we know that He will use change as an anvil in our lives as He pounds away to fashion us to be eternally more fruitful and effective. Change can be defined as an inward desire brought about by our submission to the authority and trust of God that produces eternal fruit. This is ideal change. 

Ideal change…that seems like such a non-existent reality for most of us. Ideally, we would stay the same and bask in our comfort zone. Ideally, we would stay the same and never be challenged beyond those things that we can control. Ideally, we would stay the same and only seek me and mine to the neglect of others. Change, brought about by God, is the evidence that I live for Him and not myself. 

OK, I get it. Some change I desire; other changes He demands; and the ideal change is when I submit to His working in my life. Excuse me…what about those changes that do not fit neatly into one of these or any other category? What about a worldwide pandemic? What about all the ripple effects of that pandemic like a total disruption of my comfort zone? The turning upside down of church and Christianity as we know it? Economic uncertainty? 

Actually, all of these come under the authority and trust of God that we alluded to earlier. Do you remember some of the great changes that occurred in the lives of the Israelites as they journeyed from captivity in Egypt to the Promised Land? Change really ate their lunch when they were forced to leave the comfort of captivity. That does not even sound possible to say…the comfort of captivity. They also struggled with the desire to have the promise without a price. When the difficulties started, they longed for the “way it used to be.” Another major issue that controlled them during this time was their overall self-centered perspective and disobedience. 

New challenges in new opportunities is a difficult truth to grasp because our default mode is to see and sense loss, my loss, in change…not opportunity. If God is affecting the change, what eternal opportunities are we missing here?

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