The American Church Dream

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BY: Donny Parrish 

Click here to read the July/August edition of mission:world!

Plant churches in America? There’s a church on every corner now! We ought to be helping them!” 

Ever heard anyone say that? I have. I understand why some folks might feel that way. There are a lot of churches in America that are struggling. Many are on death’s door. Should we be helping them? Yes. And should we still be planting new churches? Yes. 

There are great reasons to plant new churches in America! New churches reach more people than existing churches. New churches reach a new generation of people, more new residents, and new people groups more effectively than do existing churches. The average new congregation will bring six to eight times more new people into the life of the body of Christ than an older congregation of the same size. New congregations, in general, are forced to focus on the needs of its nonmembers, simply to get off the ground. 

Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) Missions is focused on church planting in the U.S. In this issue of mission:world, you will enjoy the journey of those called to plant new churches in America. Their passion for the souls of people and their desire to reach those far from God will inspire and challenge you. Will you join me in prayer for these missionaries? Will you pray that God will raise up many more to take the message of salvation to a nation that desperately needs a touch from God? 

The best reason to plant new churches in America? Jesus told us to! Matthew 28:18-20 is a call to make disciples! That happens best in the context of a local church.